
A Computer Science graduate with a focus in full stack development. I'm always looking to learn and collaborate with fellow Software Engineers so feel free to look through my work!



Fine Dining Website

The point of this project was to create a fully functional fine dining website! The Website contains a number of React functional components that cover a wide range of devices.

  • React
  • Node
  • Html
  • CSS

Task Tracker

This project contains a full stack Task Tracker application that allows you to add, remove, and edit tasks using Angular. The website furthermore, includes routing to an about page.

  • Angular
  • Typescript
  • CSS

Movie App

This full stack application contains a movie list that allows you to hover and search movies using React JS.

  • React
  • Node
  • Html
  • CSS

Personal Portfolio

The current website you are using is my portfolio project. The project was built using Next JS, a framework built on React.

  • React
  • Next JS
  • Html
  • CSS


My skillset encompasses a range of coding niches from front-end to back-end...

  • Front-End

    Experience Includes:
    - React JS
    - Angular
    - Next JS
    - Html
    - CSS
    - Typescript
    - Javascript

  • Back-End

    Experience Includes:
    - .NET and .Net Core
    - SSMS
    - GraphQl
    - Java
    - C++
    - C#
    - SQL

About Me

My coding journey from the beginning...

Feel free to contact me !